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2016 escalade on 30 inch dub floaters, very cool effect, clean interior, lambo door conversion, and sundown subwoofers. there is one VISUAL BUG (this happens with any mod that has floater hubs) the front floater will NOT turn when wheels are turning if it is teeter totting. however it will turn when it is fully stopped. something with the natives it does not like.

2016 Cadillac Escalade DUB edition *READ DISCRIPTION*

SKU: GODZ-0064
$30.00 Regular Price
$20.00Sale Price
  • *Z3D Models may be missing; wheels, bumpers, kits, lights, ect as they are made by other creators and do not allow parts to be resold or passed out.




Phone: 1-956-539-3790

Write: 222 N Expressway 77/83 Suite 100 Brownsville Texas 78521

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